Monday, August 2, 2010

I have been privileged to have a great group of hard working young people, deeply concerned about the future of Illinois, interning for me this summer. They all have unique stories and I thought you might enjoy hearing from them about why they chose to be part of my grassroots campaign and some of their interaction with voters so far.

Pat. G: I think Illinois government is failing the people of our state. Taxes are too high and cause jobs to leave the state that may never come back. The people in Springfield have let these fiscal problems build up for years. Jeff Junkas knows the problems that Illinois faces and he knows how to solve them. I believe Illinois needs someone in the state legislature who will not just keep increasing taxes, but that will stop wasting our money. We need people like Jeff in the legislature and that’s why I want to help him get elected. After talking to hundreds of voters like me, it is gratifying to hear so many other people that are also worried about the state’s fiscal crisis.

Evan P.: I support Jeff because the campaign we are running is truly grassroots. He was not recruited by the Republican Party and he is a first time candidate. He is truly passionate about making a change in Illinois and fixing the condition our state is in. We need to get the politicians who are taking Illinois further into debt out of office. One thing that surprised me this election is that of the voters I have contacted or met many are open to new people being elected.

Jorie K.: I’ll be entering my sophomore year of college in the fall. I’ve been working as a volunteer for Jeff since the beginning of June. As a student volunteer, I’ve talked to many voters whether it is over the phone or face-to-face, and there is a consistent theme to what they all are saying. They are sick and tired of the corrupt Illinois politicians. People are losing jobs left and right, those who are more than qualified for simple jobs are not getting hired, and our education system – something that should have the most focus – is being ignored. People across both parties are seeing that the blame falls on both sides. Our Democratic and Republican leaders have failed the people of their state. Rather than focusing on how to fix the problems, their focus falls on the sole purpose of re-election. After meeting Jeff, hearing what he stands for, and why he is running, I couldn’t resist wanting to help him attain the office of State Representative for the 37th District. If you’ve had the chance to meet and talk with Jeff you’ll understand what I mean when I say he isn’t just another politician. Rather, he is a citizen who is frustrated and sick of what’s been going in our state for countless year, all of which the citizens have to pay the consequences for. If you haven’t meet Jeff yet, you most likely will, he’s always out meeting voters to make sure his platform truly represents the good people of the 37th District of Illinois. A great leader of ours once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Jeff is fighting that fight. And if you care enough for future of your children or grandchildren – for my future, then I ask that you consider voting for him this upcoming November.

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