Monday, August 31, 2009

House Bill 7 veto

Give some credit to the governor for the veto – it was the right thing to do, even if it was a flip-flop from his earlier support. The final bill, as I’ve told many people on the campaign trail, was merely an incumbent protection bill. It wrongly ignored many of the solid proposals from the Illinois Reform Commission. It made the hurdles for citizens like me trying to participate in our government extremely high, for no good reason other than to maintain and enhance the status quo. Real reform can and must happen, but I doubt the sincerity of some of our current Democratic Party leaders to do it, which is why supporting grassroots candidates like me in the coming election to bring fresh, untainted and principled leadership to our General Assembly is critical.

Please learn more by reading the Chicago Tribune article

Howe facility closure

The closure of the Howe Developmental Center has been an issue for two-plus years. While I have not been privy to all the discussions on both sides, a few things struck me about this issue since announcing my candidacy. It is unfortunate that this decision will lead to a disruption of patients’ routines but if done with care and compassion, my hope is each person will have even better care in a new facility. The claims of abuse, patient deaths, decertification that lead to the loss of nearly $60 million in federal funding and the clearly excessive staffing ratios compared to other facilities is unacceptable.

What is even more disappointing is that the incumbent in the 37th District and my presumptive opponent in November did not join the bipartisan commission that reviewed the Howe situation until earlier this year, despite all the previously mentioned issues and it being such a large piece of state property in the district. I would have asked to be on that panel from the beginning and not shied away from an issue of such importance and emotion right in the heart of the 37th District. I also am concerned about what the state’s plans are for the prime parcel of land, who will be bidding on the property, etc. Too early to tell, but not too early to make sure taxpayers get the best deal.

Learn more about the Howe closure by reading the governor’s news release (with a consultant’s report recommending closure linked in the release – that erroneously mentions the facility is in Rep. Riley’s district and the incumbent as a Republican) and a SouthtownStar article.,083009howe.article